All benefits are subject to meeting required conditions and documentation.

  • If a firefighter suffers a service related death that qualifies for Federal LODD benefits, the Fund will provide up to $15,000.00 for their funeral and burial expenses.
  • If a firefighter has a service related injury resulting in hospitalization, the Fund will provide $100.00 per day to the family to cover the cost of gas, parking, food, etc. *
  • If the hospitalization required is out-of-town, the Fund will reimburse the cost of a hotel room needed by the family. **
  • If a volunteer firefighter has a service-related injury and cannot work their primary job, the Fund will provide $2,000.00 per month to assist with personal expenses.
  • If a paid firefighter has a service-related injury and is placed on workers’ compensation, the Fund will provide up to $2,000.00 to cover the lost 1/3 of their salary. ***
  • If a firefighter is diagnosed as having PTSD due to their Fire service duties, the fund will reimburse the firefighters medical insurance deductible and co-pays for their treatment.
  • If a firefighter’s primary residence suffers damage due to a natural disaster or fire, the Fund will provide $1,5000.00 to assist with repairs. If the primary residence is uninhabitable, the firefighter can receive $1,000.00 per month for up to 2 months to assist in the cost of relocation.
   *  $100.00 per day shall be limited to the initial hospitalization and have a 30 day cap.
   **  Hotel room coverage shall be for a regular hotel room only and will not cover any incidentals. It shall be for the initial hospitalization and have a $5,000.00 cap.

   *** Any paid firefighter requesting assistance after being placed on workers comp will be required to sign a release allowing the Fund to verify that said firefighter is complying will all requirements deemed necessary by their medical provider and their employer.

In the event of a death, accident, or injury unrelated to Fire service, a firefighter can apply to the S.A.F.E.R. Fund for financial assistance. These requests will be granted on a case-by-case basis after being reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors.

No financial assistance shall be granted for any request that is the result of illegal activity or involves the use of illegal substance(s).

All assistance provided by the Fund will be based on current available fundin